School Health Offices
Each school site in the OUHSD has a health office staffed with a full time School Nurse (RN) and a part time health technician. The health office is open throughout the school day. To reach our school nurse, contact Nurse Harris at (805) 389-6402 or
If your child becomes ill during the school day
Your child should ask to go to the health office. The nurse or the health technician will evaluate your child's symptoms and will call for them to be picked up if necessary.
When picking up your child from school
Be prepared to show ID. When arriving at the school site, enter through the main office and alert the receptionist that your child is waiting in the health office to be picked up.
- If the parent or guardian cannot be reached, the nurse or health technician may contact one of the emergency contacts listed on the emergency card. The person will need to show their ID upon arrival at the school.
- For severe emergencies, 911 will be called.