Wellness Center
About us
ACHS’s Student Intervention Specialist, Detra young, in collaboration with school administrators, counselors and teachers, provides oversight to the student’s social and emotional well being.
The Wellness Center Provides:
- Brief Individual Counseling
- Group Counseling
- Linkage to Community Resources
- Family Conferences
- BRRIIM Conferences
- Peer Mentoring (appointment only)
- Safe space for students
If you would like to meet with Ms. Young, please contact your student’s counselor for a referral.
What To Discuss Before The Meeting
- Confidentiality
- Risk and Benefits
- Scheduling and Session Times
- ACHS Group Sessions (Non-Therapy)
- If you or someone you care about is in crisis, please contact:
Risk and Benefits
Scheduling and Session Times
ACHS Group Sessions (Non-Therapy)
If you or someone you care about is in crisis, please contact:
Detra Young
Student Intervention Specialist
(805) 834-1393
Alex Perez
Student Wellness Specialist